Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the union of a logical thought process and an open mind. Critical thinking separates fact and story; we detach ourselves from the immediate circumstance and ask why until the core concept is revealed. Why? Why? Why? Ask why until the roots of the inquiry issue is discovered and absorbed.
The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. - Albert Einstein
Intellectual Honesty
At its most basic level, intellectual honesty is applying consistent standards to comparable circumstances while maintaining an open mind. In other words, what is good for the goose is good for the gander all else being equal. At the same time having an open mind does not equate to agreeing with every harebrained notion presented as a new and unique concept; but instead embracing an objective method of evaluating concepts and exercising objectivity in a consistent manner.
Not all ideas are good ones, but a good idea can come from the most unexpected places. The power of objective thought process is uncovering those rare insights that offer sincere growth in a meaningful use of effort.
Communicating the Complex
When it comes to communicating complex ideas, attempting to be all things to all people is never a winning proposition; to do so spreads the message thin and dilutes the central narrative. A fragmented line of reasoning offers increased opportunities for confusion and wasted effort.
If you can’t explain simply, you don’t understand it well enough – Albert Einstein